365 Days of Thankfulness – Day 21

I really enjoy audio. And I actually enjoy running a sound board. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve the Lord at my church by running the sound board during Sunday morning services. I believe God has given me a gift for mixing and I love the challenge a Sunday worship service entails. I hope one day to once again get the chance to be on the other end and either sing or play an instrument like I did years ago when I lived in Florida.

365 Days of Thankfulness – Day 18

Today I celebrate the gift of my precious youngest child, Oliver. Five years ago today Oliver entered into this world with much difficulty. He was born with a rare but serious heart defect which caused him to spend his first week in the NICU. Many many prayers went out for our little boy and he is definitely a miracle child. He still has the heart defect but you would never know it by looking at him. He is just as active as any other little boy out there.

The enemy has done everything in his power to come against this child and our family. And unfortunately I am unable to be with my son for his birthday, this is the second one I have missed. But I believe God will restore what has been lost and I will still have many many great memories with my son.

#Thankfulness365 #ILoveMySon #GodsGift #DontTryToTellHimHesSick #CantBeStopped #HappyBirthdaySon #DaddyLovesYouAlways

365 Days of Thankfulness – Day 17

No picture today but definitly lots to be thankful for. Work was esy today, about half the plant didn’t show up because of the icy roads but I still got a lot done. We were let go early so I went home to take a nap.

I was seriously struggling with trusting God today because yesterday my phone was turned off and tomorrow my youngest son is turning five. They only way I get to see my kids is video chat through my phone so I was depressed I wasn’t going to be able to see him for hs birthday. Because I was depressed I had decided not to go to Life Group tonight. As I lie in my bed moping I was reminded of what we have been learning in church about not isolating yourself and not doing this life alone. Thats exactly where the enemy wants you so he can convince you nobody cares about you and that God doesn’ care about you. So I got my butt up and went to life group and I opened up with the guys there about everything I was going through. They prayed for me and my kids and really encouraged me. By the end of the meeting someone had blessed me by paying my phone bill so I can talk to my son tomorrow. And another man from the group took me out to get some dinner and we had an awesome time of fellowship and got to know each other better.

God is still working in my life even when I can’t see it. The enemy would like me to think God had abandoned me, but the enemy is nothing but a liar. I am so thankful for the men God has put in my life to help me keep my focus on the Truth. Who encourage me, lift me up, and even put a boot to my butt when I need it.

#Thankfulness365 #NoManFightsAlone

365 Days of Thankfulness – Day 16

Today was a snow day for some here in the south. Not me, but i’m still thankful for how beautiful it looks outside covered in snow. We all left work about a half hour early and I went straight home and cozied up and watched a little TV.

#Thankfulness365 #Snowmaggedon2018

365 Days of Thankfulness – Day 14

There have been a few people in my life that have greatly changed my life for the better. None more then this man. I am thankful God placed a man in my life who taught me how to be a godly man, a godly husband, and a godly father. 

Him and his wife have been a God send, even when I didn’t want it. When I was a young adult I was a very emotionally immature person. God placed Craig and Debbie Brown into my life who took me in when others had given up on me. They basically “adopted” me into their family, treated me as their own and showed me the true love of Christ. They stuck with me through some of my worst tantrums (trust me, some were pretty bad ), and sort of “raised” me emotionally and spiritually. The good parts about me that people enjoy being around today are mostly because of the work God has done through these two. I can honestly say if it wasn’t for them I would probably be dead or in jail somewhere. 

#Thankfulness365 #NoManFightsAlone #YouNeverGaveUpOnMe #ImABetterManBecauseOfYou #GodWillRedeemThatWhichWasLost

365 Days of Thankfulness – Day 13

This was how high my blood pressure was when I went to the doctors this morning. Thank GOD I didn’t have a stroke. I spent several hours there trying to get my blood pressure within a normal range. They wantd to send me to the hospital but after some begging they attempted to lower it at the office. After they got it down to an acceptable level they gave me three prescriptions to keep it normal. 

I have been running aroung for several months with my blood pressure that high. It’s only because of God I didn’t have a stroke.

365 Days of Thankfulness – Day 12

Tonight I hung out with a friend who is going through some hard times and just needed to get out for a bit to clear their head. So we chatted for a while and went out to movie and just chilled. We had a good time and the movie was intense and satisfying. I am thankful that I was able to be there for someone when they just needed a friend to talk to and hang out with.

365 Days of Thankfulness – Day 11

Tonight as I was heading home from work I was trying to figure out what I was going to have for dinner. Money has been tight so options are slim pickins right now. No sooner did I pull in then my neighbors invited me in for dinner tonight. And it was so so good. Thank you God for your provision.

#Thankful365 #GoodSouthernHomeCooking #GodProvidesForHisChildren

365 Days of Thankfulness – Day 10

I am having a trouble getting my picture uploaded today so we will do without. Tonight my Life Group started back up from the holidays. I really enjoy having the time of fellowship, study, and prayer with the other men in my group. Its a blessing to know if I need them I have a group of men I can share deeply with and they won’t judge but will pray and have godly wisdom for me.

#Thankful365 #NoManFightsAlone

365 Days of Thankfulness – Day 9

Tonight I am struggling with sadness, but I still choose to be thankful. This movie came on TV tonight and I sat here and watched it, thankful for the great memories this movie is for me and my kids. I remember the night that me, my kids, and even my wife sat down and watched this movie together for the first time. 

My kids absolutly loved this movie as we all snuggled together on the couch in our living room. It was just a great family time. I miss those days and it breaks my heart sometimes to think of them, but I am thankful that they happened and pray my kids will remember these good times.